Birth Place: Shutoru City
Nickname: Thunder
TF Card Abilities: In the case of running in a straight line, Blue Hose is close. As soon as he hits the ground, he doesn't stop to brake.
TF Card Characteristics: He is very rough and short-tempered, but he has a sense of justice and wants more than anyone to see peace in Beastram/Heastrom.
Meiji Card Abilities: With super senses, he can predict attacks in advance. Both of his tusks pierce through steel plates.
Meiji Card Characteristics: He's rash and careless. He is also quick to judge.
TF Card Characteristics: He is very rough and short-tempered, but he has a sense of justice and wants more than anyone to see peace in Beastram/Heastrom.
Meiji Card Abilities: With super senses, he can predict attacks in advance. Both of his tusks pierce through steel plates.
Meiji Card Characteristics: He's rash and careless. He is also quick to judge.
Thunder Bar:
BB Book Abilities: When the Miracle Number is obtained, it fires a high-voltage current from the tip. This paralyzes the functions of the mechanical systems.
Meiji Card Abilities: High voltage current fires from the tip. It causes the mechanisms to malfunction.
Miracle Number: 4
Damage Points: -2
Normal Attack: Your opponents energy is reduced by 2 when a dice total of 4 is rolled.
Miracle Power Announcement: When you roll a dice total of 4, increase your energy is by 5.
BB Book Abilities: When the Miracle Number is obtained, it fires a high-voltage current from the tip. This paralyzes the functions of the mechanical systems.
Meiji Card Abilities: High voltage current fires from the tip. It causes the mechanisms to malfunction.
Miracle Number: 4
Damage Points: -2
Normal Attack: Your opponents energy is reduced by 2 when a dice total of 4 is rolled.
Miracle Power Announcement: When you roll a dice total of 4, increase your energy is by 5.